Thursday, September 18, 2014

We're Moving!

We’re Moving to Kenmore………

Speedy Reedy will be moving to Kenmore Village as of October 31, 2014. 

Please check our website or follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on this move. 

Our new space will be a scene of transition and maybe a little chaos through the end of the year, but we hope you'll make the trip to come visit us. 

While we will be a little further out for some of you, our new space will ultimately offer the following features:

  • ·         Only 3 blocks off the Burke-Gilman trail. 
  • ·         30+ parking spots  (this is fantastic!)
  • ·         A spin/workout room
  • ·         Better layout for both bike service and retail.

Thank you Fremont for 14 great years!  We hope to see all of you in Kenmore.

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